John G. Moore Sr

My working career has been a continuation of being a problem solver and an innovative individual contributor to projects.  My experiences have spanned a range of industries within the domain of managing change.  Over the years, I have tried to follow the Golden Rule, and have endeavored to create a family environment to enhance the success of our family members.   In my initial post-retirement years, I devoted time to civic-related activities primarily through our family-held social enterprise, Urban Patch LLC. Most recently I cofounded Moore Heritage Projects Corporation, a non-profit focusing on family history and food justice activities and education.  

I have served on multiple advisory boards in various capacities within the last decade and remain active in various groups and programs centered on improving the lives of members of our community.

Work Experience

President and Co-founder

Moore Heritage Projects corporation

Indianapolis, IN.

January 2021 to Present

Assistant Manager

Urban Patch, LLC.

Indianapolis, IN.

January 2013 to 2018


J. L. Moore Realty, LLC.

Indianapolis, IN.

January 2011 to 2013


Senior Statistical Programmer
PharmaNet/i3 / INVentiv Health, a Division of United HealthCare
Indianapolis, IN.
October 2010 – April 2013 

Consultant Statistician – Computational
Eli Lilly and Company,
Indianapolis, IN.
2001 - September 2010 

Principal Consultant
J. Moore Consultants, Inc.
Indianapolis, IN
1996 - 2001 

Early Experience
1971 - 1996 



Technical Skills

Other Interests